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告诉你一个秘密|杂纪_文歌印像[AI绘画,AI视频制作,3D模型下载]主题站告诉你一个秘密 - Let me tell you a secret. 如果想让自己的能量场干净起来 - If you want to clean up your energy field, 就不要随意与他人产生纠缠 - dont get tangled up with others unnecessarily. 记住一句话 - Remember |AI绘画,stable Diffusion,MMD3D模型下载,文歌印像,AI视频制作

Release time:
"告诉你一个秘密" - Let me tell you a secret.
"如果想让自己的能量场干净起来" - If you want to clean up your energy field,
"就不要随意与他人产生纠缠" - don't get tangled up with others unnecessarily.
"记住一句话" - Remember one thing,
"我尊重你的命运" - I respect your destiny,
"更理解你的局限" - and understand your limitations.
"无所谓你的行为" - It doesn't matter what you do,
"就算你的修行水平已经很高" - even if your level of practice is high,
"也不要轻易去渡一个人" - don't easily try to enlighten someone.
"不要参与他人的因果" - Don't get involved in other people's karma,
"不要扰动他人的棋数" - don't disrupt other people's plans,
"否则损耗的是自身" - otherwise, you'll end up draining yourself.
"你渡不尽天下人" - You can't enlighten everyone,
"故医不叩门" - so the doctor doesn't knock on the door.
"师不顺路" - The teacher doesn't go out of their way,
"法不轻传" - and the teachings aren't casually shared.
"古语有言" - There's an old saying,
"未经他人苦" - "Don't urge others to do good deeds
"莫劝他人善" - unless you've experienced their suffering.
"你若经我苦" - If you've undergone my suffering,
"未必有我善" - it doesn't guarantee you'll reach my goodness.
"包括你的兄弟姐妹和父母" - Including your siblings and parents,
"因为每个人都有自己的功课" - because everyone has their own lessons to learn.
"每个人都有自己的轨迹" - Everyone has their own path,
"每个人都有自己的节奏" - and their own pace.
"凡事不可强求" - Don't force things,
"人世间的事情" - in worldly affairs,
"要学会惜缘随缘,不攀缘" - learn to cherish and go with the flow, don't cling to attachments.
"在没有频率顺遂一致的时候" - When frequencies aren't in sync,
"不要去做别人的功课" - don't do others' homework,
"不要轻易打扰别人的因果" - don't easily disturb others' karma,
"不要好为人师" - don't act like a know-it-all,
"千万别用高层次的认知" - absolutely don't use high-level understanding
"启蒙低层次的愚蠢" - to enlighten low-level ignorance,
"否则必遭反噬" - or else you'll face backlash.
"认知不同" - Different understandings,
"开口便错" - speaking out is wrong from the start.
"渡人这件事" - Enlightening others,
"比悟道和渡己还要难千万倍" - is thousands of times harder than enlightening oneself or achieving enlightenment.
"能量不够" - If your energy isn't enough,
"不要轻易尝试" - don't try it lightly,
"放下你的助人情节" - set aside your urge to help,
"尊重他人的因果" - respect others' karma,
"对那些没有撞过南墙" - for those who haven't hit a wall,
"没有见过棺材的人来说" - who haven't seen a coffin,
"你对他劝说的越多" - the more you advise them,
"就越惹人讨厌" - the more annoying you become,
"你为他做的越多" - the more you do for them,
"就越是自讨没趣" - the more you invite trouble,
"认知越低的人越固执" - People with lower understanding are more stubborn,
"看待事物越绝对" - they see things in absolute terms,
"一旦和他发生争执" - once you argue with them,
"他会不论是非对错" - they'll disregard right and wrong,
"直接把你拉到他的那个层次" - and pull you down to their level,
"用最低级的思路语言碾压你" - using the lowest-level language to overwhelm you,
"如果你和他争吵" - If you argue with them,
"你就会即刻坠落到和他一样低的层级" - you'll immediately fall to their level,
"如果你不还口" - If you don't respond,
"他就认为你还不如他" - they'll think you're even lower than them,
"你且看寺院里的菩萨" - Look at the bodhisattvas in the temple,
"众生虽苦" - Even though beings suffer,
"但菩萨低眉从不言语" - the bodhisattvas bow humbly and remain silent,
"不是不救助世人" - not because they don't help beings,
"而是世人执着开口便措" - but because beings cling to speech and action,
"徒劳自扰" - futilely disturbing themselves.
"人生最大的救赎就是自救" - The greatest redemption in life is self-salvation,
"有四件事" - there are four things,
"佛祖也是无法做到的" - even the Buddha couldn't do:
"因果不可改" - karma cannot be changed,
"智慧不可赐" - wisdom cannot be given,
"真法不可说" - the true dharma cannot be spoken,
"无缘不能睹" - the unready cannot see it.
"故而" - Therefore,
"一切留待众生逐渐觉悟吧" - everything is left for beings to gradually realize,
"允许花城为花" - allowing flowers to be flowers,
"允许树成为树" - trees to be trees,
"允许云卷云舒" - clouds to drift,
"允许波澜壮阔" - waves to surge,
"允许自己做自己" - allowing oneself to be oneself,
"也要允许别人做别人" - and allowing others to be themselves,
"随着你的修为越来越高" - As your cultivation grows,
"父母会得到欢喜的滋养" - your parents will receive joyous nourishment,
"孩子会得到光明的唤醒" - your children will receive enlightened awakening,
"家庭会得到气场的护佑" - your family will be protected by a positive energy field,
"圈子会自动升级" - your circle will naturally elevate,
"环境会同步进化" - and the environment will evolve in sync,
"一切都在逐渐和谐" - everything will gradually harmonize,
"对这个世界最好的奉献" - The best contribution to this world,
"就是做好你自己" - is to be your best self,
"在天赋使命的导引下" - guided by your innate mission,
"身心归位" - aligning body and mind,
"全然放松" - completely relaxing,
"心神合一" - uniting heart and mind,
"自由创造" - freely creating,
"真正把意识力量发挥的淋漓尽致" - truly unleashing the power of consciousness,
"因为你是一切的根源" - because you are the root of everything,
"你变了一切都变了" - if you change, everything changes,
"当你成为一道光" - When you become a beam of light,
"光芒四射" - radiating brilliance,
"别人靠近你" - others are drawn to you,
"就是靠近光明" - they're drawn to the light,
"万事万物" - All things,
"花是花,草是草" - flowers are flowers, grass is grass,
"没有高低" - there's no high or low,
"没有好坏" - no good or bad,
"没有对错" - no right or wrong,
"都是宇宙的智慧" - it's all the wisdom of the universe,
"各自处在不同的能量频率" - each existing at different energy frequencies,
"显现不同的状态" - manifesting different states,
"呈现出来不同的像" - displaying different appearances,
"不轻易改变别人,改变环境" - don't easily change others or the environment,
"却能以透明柔和的气场" - but with a transparent and gentle energy field,
"春风化雨" - like a gentle spring breeze or rain,
"润物无声" - silently nourishing all beings,
"不知不觉间通透滋养着周围的一切" - imperceptibly nourishing everything around you,
"回到你自己" - Returning to yourself,
"起心动念" - managing your thoughts and intentions,
"皆在真山之间" - all within the true self.

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